"...welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God"
Romans 15:7 ESV
Welcome to New Branch Baptist Church!
Whether you are just beginning your walk or continuing your walk with God, we welcome you to fellowship with us! We are a traditional/transitional church with a modest congregation that believes in spreading the word and love of God. Here at New Branch, we see each other not as a church with members but as a church family.
Worship Services
Worship services are held 1st Sunday through 4th Sunday of every month.

9:45 AM

11:00 AM

7:30 PM
What to Expect
When you arrive, there is parking on the left and right side of the church as well as additional parking across the street. Handicapped access is available in parking lot to the right of the church.
Once you enter our church, you will be greeted into the sanctuary by our friendly ushers where you are free to participate and enjoy our church atmosphere. Our services begin with our Praise Team ushering in the Spirit of God with songs of worship and praise and through testimony of our worshipers. The service is then continued through prayer and guided by the Worship Leader of the day. On every fourth Sunday of the month we partake in the Lord's Supper.
At the end of the service, Pastor Aikens leads the congregation in a "Meet and Greet" session, where everyone meets and greets all who are familiar and new to New Branch Baptist Church!
Still have Questions?
Please feel free to contact us!